Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends
par Esther Hicks![Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends](
Esther Hicks Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends fiche de lecture - Le téléchargement de ce bel Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends livre et le lire plus tard. Êtes-vous curieux, qui a écrit ce grand livre? Oui, Esther Hicks est l'auteur pour Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends. Ce livre se composent de plusieurs pages 258. Hay House est la société qui libère Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends au public. 2007-10-01 est la date de lancement pour la première fois. Lire l'Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends maintenant, il est le sujet plus intéressant. Toutefois, si vous ne disposez pas de beaucoup de temps à lire, vous pouvez télécharger Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends à votre appareil et vérifier plus tard.
From that opening exclamation, this second Sara novel rampages through chapter after chapter of fun and adventure. Solomon (the owl from the first book who “speaks without moving his lips”) reappears and gives Sara and her classmate Seth a fresh and enlightening perspective on life on this planet. Simply put, these two adventurous, tree-climbing friends dialogue with their ethereal feathered mentor regarding their varied (and sometimes confusing) experiences with parents, teachers, other students, neighbors, and property owners. The clarity, understanding, and wisdom that Solomon gives them results in some surprisingly practical views on the rules of the game of life. This is a must-read book for young people of all ages!From that opening exclamation, this second Sara novel rampages through chapter after chapter of fun and adventure. Solomon (the owl from the first book who “speaks without moving his lips”) reappears and gives Sara and her classmate Seth a fresh and enlightening perspective on life on this planet. Simply put, these two adventurous, tree-climbing friends dialogue with their ethereal feathered mentor regarding their varied (and sometimes confusing) experiences with parents, teachers, other students, neighbors, and property owners. The clarity, understanding, and wisdom that Solomon gives them results in some surprisingly practical views on the rules of the game of life. This is a must-read book for young people of all ages!Rang parmi les ventes Amazon: #229941 dans eBooksPublié le: 2007-10-01Sorti le: 2007-10-01Format: Ebook KindlePrésentation de l'éditeurFrom that opening exclamation, this second Sara novel rampages through chapter after chapter of fun and adventure. Solomon (the owl from the first book who “speaks without moving his lips”) reappears and gives Sara and her classmate Seth a fresh and enlightening perspective on life on this planet. Simply put, these two adventurous, tree-climbing friends dialogue with their ethereal feathered mentor regarding their varied (and sometimes confusing) experiences with parents, teachers, other students, neighbors, and property owners. The clarity, understanding, and wisdom that Solomon gives them results in some surprisingly practical views on the rules of the game of life. This is a must-read book for young people of all ages!Présentation de l'éditeurFrom that opening exclamation, this second Sara novel rampages through chapter after chapter of fun and adventure. Solomon (the owl from the first book who “speaks without moving his lips”) reappears and gives Sara and her classmate Seth a fresh and enlightening perspective on life on this planet. Simply put, these two adventurous, tree-climbing friends dialogue with their ethereal feathered mentor regarding their varied (and sometimes confusing) experiences with parents, teachers, other students, neighbors, and property owners. The clarity, understanding, and wisdom that Solomon gives them results in some surprisingly practical views on the rules of the game of life. This is a must-read book for young people of all ages!Biographie de l'auteurEsther and Jerry Hicks produce and present the leading-edge Abraham-Hicks teachings on the art of allowing our natural Well-Being to come forth. While presenting open workshops in up to 60 cities a year, they've created more than 700 books, audios, CDs, and videos.
3 internautes sur 3 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile.Amazing !Par Hélène GirardLes enseignements d'Abraham sont merveilleusement trancrits dans les 2 livres audios qui m'ont literalement enthousiasmée !C'est dit d'une manière qui peut s'intégrer facilement, car l'histoire de ces deux enfants avides de connaissances rejoint notre propre recherche sur ce chemin. C'est un vrai délice que de découvrir avec eux, qu'on peut voler, se "piloter", se transformer, pour devenir, ce que nous sommes vraiment : "des êtres libres, joyeux et en pleine expansion !!"
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